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Ezine Articles - Bryan Foster (2010)

Love is there for all. We must be open to it, yet need to be in a real loving state to engage fully with it. Surfing with dolphins in the ocean was one of the most incredible experiences of love I have experienced. This was to the point of experiencing something beyond. Tears poured out along the crest of a wave. - Aug 24, 2010

It is difficult to restore a loving relationship when there is no forgiveness! Most people find forgiveness the most difficult aspect of love. To forgive others and to be forgiven ourselves is quite an experience! Yet, this is essential for the repairing of any loving relationship. - Aug 22, 2010

If 'love is the meaning of life', i.e. to love and to be loved being the main purpose for our whole existence, then why do so many people allow all the other stuff to get in the way? Why then do so many people let the distractions interfere and often dominate their lives? - Aug 19, 2010

God is Love. Love is the meaning of life. God is the meaning of life. From normal everyday beginnings, I have developed a special appreciation of what love and God truly are for me and I hope for others also. To truly love we must love others as much as we love ourselves. This is simple to do when we are one with God. - Aug 19, 2010

A simple, yet highly effective, overview of a marketing plan is provided for voluntary organizations, community services, churches and schools. This plan is written in an easy to read and implement format. My twenty years experience marketing, managing and supporting such groups is integral for a more complete appreciation of the needs of such groups in today's society. - Aug 18, 2010

All people have a good book within themselves just waiting to be written. The biggest challenge is to start. I have now published 6 books and found that the online e-book is the best approach. It is believed that the commercial online stores' option to also combine, with the e-book sale, the hardcopy book sale arranged through their network, to be the cutting-edge approach today. - Aug 08, 2010

This may seem quite difficult for most people, and it is, however, I very much believe everyone has at least one good book within themselves. It may or may not be on the theme or genre that you initially expect, but it is there. - Aug 08, 2010

The young i-generation are challenged implicitly to awaken to the real world and place their special euphoric interest in social media sites into perspective. The place of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social networking sites, needs to be exemplified by responsible parents and society, so that the young i-generation appreciates the reality of both the digital and real worlds. - Jul 24, 2010

Specialized skills are needed when confronted with a potentially difficult or controversial media interview. In the digital age these requests may come from both traditional media and contemporary internet based media. - Jul 11, 2010

The media will sometimes request an interview from you giving little or no warning - and expect you to respond immediately. There are various methods which can help with this difficult situation. Be well prepared before being interviewed by the media, even if this means delaying it until you become better informed. - Jul 10, 2010

Handling the difficult media question during an interview is a necessary skill for those involved with most professions and businesses today. A specific method is offered here to assist those who may one day find themselves in this situation. The method below is appropriate for most situations but is specifically offered here for the school setting. - Jul 06, 2010

Good marketing plans require good or better marketing evaluation strategies. Today the 'instant digital solution attitude' is causing the necessary aspect of marketing evaluation to become lost or downgraded. Professions and businesses - more than ever - need a high quality marketing evaluation strategy! - Jul 06, 2010

A photojournalist would often state - a photo tells a thousand words. The importance of the photo to any story must not be underestimated! The photojournalist should be seen as an asset and not the villain. Managing the photojournalist respectfully and appropriately should deliver good outcomes. However, you need to be aware of how to respond if all does not work as expected. - Jul 06, 2010

The School Marketing Budget is necessary in all markets - whether the school is at optimum performance and financial security or whether on a downslide with financial difficulties. Shared regionalized / systemic marketing budgets may be a solution for some smaller or financially challenged schools. - Jul 05, 2010

The professional person and businesses need to use the media to their best advantage. The media interview is an integral aspect of any marketing plan. Managing the interview successfully is necessary for both the reputation of the interviewees and the business alike. There are six areas which need specialized management prior to and during the interview. - Jul 05, 2010

Churches can benefit from appropriate, and sometimes creative, use of social networking sites. Increasingly, this form of communication is becoming more obvious for parishes. Be aware of all the privacy and legal issues! - Jul 04, 2010

The digital age requires access to quality e-books downloaded via the internet. These quality e-books will help marketers inform the consumers in greater detail. The writing format used needs to be both informative and appealing. - Jul 02, 2010


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